


My name is Naam (Nam). I had to spell it out phonetically since people always have trouble saying my name right.

I am so happy that you found my website and I can’t wait to show how to live a better financial life!

So let’s go back, WAY back. I was always interested in the entrepreneurial lifestyle. As I was growing up, I was always on the hustle to earn money. From selling CD mixes to flipping shoes online. But earning money was only part of the equation, the 2 half was actually keeping and paying yourself. 

Its been my mission to teach others about things never taught in school!

There I was serving my time in the U.S. Marine Corps. There were great times, and so were there bad. The military had taught me so many valuable life lessons. Discipline is one of the many characteristic that shaped my life.

Seeing peers spending their paycheck before even receiving it, ruining their credit before the age of 21, and making many poor financial decisions was something I wanted to avoid at all cost. Make no mistake, I was young and dumb once too, but I always had a set financial rules to live by. 

As I was becoming more senior, I was providing financial counseling to junior Marines who were just hitting the fleet. Young military members were very easy targets for high interest rates, overvalued cars, and irresponsible spending. 


As soon as I was discharged, I went to university. I got my degree, then start my life at a regular civilian job. I then had an itch to start a YouTube channel, but never had the courage to do so. 

As time went past, I started to see other YouTubers making videos on personal finance. These were things that I was practicing and helping others for years. I then started to feel regretful for never giving YouTube a try. Life is about experiences, we only have one to live. [As much as I know!]

Then in the summer of 2019, I posted my first video. I cringe as I look at my old self. LOL. You live and you learn! Personal finance has always been a passion of mine, and being able to share it with the world makes it so much better! 

Glad to have you part of the Wynner’s Circle!